Tourette’s and Tics

David Anderson, MS, LCPC, RPT-5, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of Tourette Syndrome and other tic disorders in Wichita, Kansas. As the founder of Wichita OCD Center, David provides Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) as a medication-free behavioral therapy for both children and adults with tic disorders.

What is Tourette Syndrome?

Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary physical and vocal tics. It typically develops during childhood or adolescence, and the Tourette Association of America reports that one out of every hundred children in the U.S. has Tourette’s or some other Tic Disorder. The spectrum of Tic Disorders includes Provisional Tic Disorder, Tourette Syndrome, and Persistent Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder. For some people, Tourette Syndrome may come and go; for others, it lasts through their adult years.

What are Tics?

Tics are typically repetitive movements or sounds. They tend to be rapid and involve only one body part. However, they can also be more complex, involving multiple body parts or multiple sounds – even complete phrases or sentences. Common tics include blinking, coughing and throat clearing, as well as head, face, shoulder and abdomen movements. It is important for understand that tics are involuntary and can’t be controlled.

Co-Occurring Disorders

According to the CDC, 83% of children diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome also have at least one mental, developmental or behavioral disorder diagnosis. More than half of these have ADHD or anxiety. Other common disorders include obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), developmental delays, learning disabilities, depression, language issues, intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorder. Fortunately, therapy can provide effective treatments for many of these conditions, in addition to Tourette’s.

Treatment for Tourette’s and Tics

Tourette’s has no cure; however, there are effective treatment options available. As a therapist, David Anderson begins by evaluating the severity of the tics and any co-occurring disorders. Then, he develops the most effective treatment plan.

Treatment for Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders often consists of a behavior modification therapy called Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT). This non-pharmacological therapeutic technique was developed more than 20 years ago, and it’s recommended by The American Academy of Neurology. CBIT helps both adults and children learn to tic less and make behavior changes.

Request an Appointment for Tourette’s Treatment

Appointments for Tourette’s therapy and treatments with David Anderson can be requested online. We’ll contact you as soon as possible to confirm and schedule.